kugoo m4 electric scooter LCD display

Kugoo Kirin M4 & Kugoo Kirin M4 Pro Electric Scooter P-Settings

The Kugoo Kirin M4 and Kugoo Kirin M4 Pro electric scooters have customisable settings which you can access in the LCD display. The P-settings (programme settings) are accessed by holding down the power button and the mode button at the same time. Check out this guide on what the P-settings are and how to change them.

Kugoo Kirin M4 & Kugoo Kirin M4 Pro Electric Scooter P-Settings

The Kugoo Kirin M4 and Kugoo Kirin M4 Pro electric scooters have customisable settings which you can access in the LCD display. The P-settings (programme settings) are accessed by holding down the power button and the mode button at the same time.

To navigate through the settings use the power button to move from one setting to the next. Then press the mode button to enter a particular settings. Use the power button to move down in numbers or the mode button to move up. Hold the mode button to exit the particular P-Setting. Press them both again to exit to the normal display.

Here is a list of the P-Settings and what they are for;

If you're looking for a Kugoo electric scooter check out our collection here. We ship internationally to Ireland, the UK and Europe. We also sell electric scooter spare parts for Kugoo's if you are in need of a repair. 

P2 - Kilometers or Miles

This setting changes the odometer to kilometers or miles. There are only two options here and the change is visible on the display. 

P3 - Voltage [Do not change from default setting]

This indicates the voltage setting of the scooter. Do not change this on the electric scooter. It is 48V by default on the Kugoo Kirin M4 and Kugoo Kirin M4 Pro electric scooters. 

P4 - Time to shut down (1-5 mins)

Time to shut down is how long your electric scooter will take to shut off automatically. This can be set between 1-5 mins for the electric scooter. 

P6 - Wheel diameter (Do not change)

This setting refers to the size of the wheels on the electric scooter. It should be set to 10, which is 10 inches. 

P7 - Motor magnets (Do not change)

This refers to the number of magnets within the electric scooter motor. It should be set to 30, which means 30 magnets. Changing this can lead to your electric scooter displaying greater or less speeds (depending on if you choose more or less magnets). This does not increase the speed. It changes the calculation of speed on the speedometer and is merely a numerical change. You do not drive faster in reality. Keep this to the default setting as it can mislead you on the actual speed of your electric scooter. 

P9 - Kickstart (0 = on, 1 = off)

If you want your electric scooter to accelerate from a standing start (immediately on pressing the throttle) leave this as 1. It's also known as zero start. If you want your electric scooter to be a push start change this to 0. 

P12 - Set to 5 (do not change)

It's not clear on what this electric scooter p-setting is. 

P15 - Power output

This changes the maximum power output for your electric scooter. For example 100 is 100% power output and the electric scooter with achieve its max speed of 45km/h. If is it's set to 50 it will achieve 50% of the maximum speed. This can be useful if you want to preserve your battery and don't mind going at lower speeds on your electric scooter. 

P16 - Set to 0 (do not change)

It's not clear on what this electric scooter p-setting is. 

P99 - Factory reset display


Enable this to reset the display to the original manufacturer settings. 

Pd0 - Reset Mileage (if under 100)

This will put your mileage back to zero on your electric scooter if it's currently under 100. 

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