Electric Scooter Ireland Blog

Electric Scooter Know How
Four Reasons Why Maintaining Tyre Pressure Is Important
If you don’t regularly keep the tyres on your electric scooter pumped to the recommended PSI it can lead to reduced performance, or worse, punctures and damage to the rims of your electric scooter...

Electric Scooter Know How
Electric scooter v car: which is cheaper?
In this article we set out to examine the impact of choosing an e-scooter over a car on your own pocket, which for a lot of people is the most important consideration.

Electric Scooter Know How
Beginner’s Guide To Electric Scooters
Beginner's Guide To Electric Scooters
Buying your first electric scooter can be a daunting process with so many different models on the market, each with different specifications and price points....

Electric Scooter Know How
Are Electric Scooters Waterproof?
Are electric scooters waterproof?
Are you wondering if your electric scooter is waterproof? This is an important question if you live somewhere where there’s frequent bouts of bad weather and a ch...

Electric Scooter Know How
Are E-Scooters Legal in Ireland?
In this article we explore the legality of e-scooters in Ireland.