Loco Scooters Ltd Electric Scooter Theft Insurance Contract

1. Insurer: This policy is issued by Loco Scooters Ltd and underwritten by Loco Scooters Ltd.

2. Coverage: This policy covers the theft of the insured electric scooter. Loss or damage to the person or any third parties is not covered under this policy.

3. Replacement: In the event of theft, the insured scooter will be replaced on a like for like basis, subject to the following criteria being met:


  • The customer must inform Loco Scooters Ltd of the theft within 24 hours of the theft occurring.
  • The customer must furnish a copy of their Garda Incident Report or statement to Loco Scooters Ltd within 7 days of the theft occurring.

4. Claim Review and Decision: We will review the claim and our adjudicator will revert to the customer with our decision within 7 business days of receipt of the Garda Incident Report or statement.

5. Exclusions: This policy does not cover loss or damage caused by:


  • Fraudulent or intentional acts by the insured.
  • Theft occurring while the scooter was being used for commercial purposes.
  • Theft from any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is fitted with an alarm which was operational at the time of the theft and the vehicle was locked and the scooter was stored in the boot/trunk and completely out of sight.
  • Theft from the home is excluded unless the scoxoter was stored inside the home and any security devices such as door locks and alarms were operational at the time of the theft.
  • Theft from within the person's place of work is excluded unless the scooter was secured to an immovable object with an approved lock.
  • Theft from any other person to whom the scooter was entrusted, other than an immediate family member, with the policyholder’s consent. Loco Scooters Ltd defines “immediate family member” as a spouse, brother, sister, mother, father, son or daughter.
  • Theft from any garage, balcony, garden, outbuilding, shed, underground car park or communal hallway unless the scooter has been secured to an immovable object with an approved lock through the frame. Any garden shed or outbuilding must have been securely locked at the time of the theft.
  • Theft away from home unless the scooter has been secured to an immovable object with an approved lock through the frame.

6. Original Purchaser: Only the original purchaser of the scooter is covered under this policy. Sale or disposal of the scooter will terminate this policy. Only the insured scooter is covered by this policy. If it is stolen and replaced, the new scooter is not covered by this policy and should be insured separately.

7. Excess: In the event of theft, an excess of 10% of the current retail value of the scooter will be payable by the policyholder. The retail value used will be the full retail value and not any discounted or sale prices.

8. Terms and Conditions: This policy is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy document.

9. Cancellation: This policy is subject to a cooling off period of 14 days. During the cooling off period, this insurance policy can be cancelled within 14 days of commencement by notifying Loco Scooters Ltd of your intention to cancel the policy via email to info@locoscooters.ie

10. Claims: please email info@locoscooters.ie to obtain a claim form.

11. Loco Scooters Ltd defines an approved lock as a reinforced steel U or D lock.